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- Pest Productions China
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- 2020
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- FROZEN MOON 凍結的月亮 (CN) - Legend of East Dan II
FROZEN MOON 凍結的月亮 (CN) - Legend of East Dan II
$6.99 - $9.99
per item
PEST240 | EP | CD & TAPE
Frozen Moon from northeast China, side project from member of VENGEFUL SPECTRE
. With their previous opus Legend of East Dan I, they have cemented their reign as the harbinger of Folkish Black metal among Chinese underground scene. Like their previous full length, this newest EP continue the dirge of the fallen East Dan, with 6 tracks of folk/symphonic black metal in the veins of classics like Nokturnal Mortum, while elements like traditional folk singing and more heavy metal-driven riffs conjure a fresh yet obsucre mist over the fallen oriental empire's myths and pride.